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About Us

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Prior to the 1979 copyright, our Dad “Arne Christensen Jr.” was employed at the Newport LNG plant. The plant went on strike. Dad and three co-workers were between shifts and crammed into a little camper at the LNG gate for strike duty.


They were chatting about their plight and schedule.  Dad was annoyed to be scheduled for strike duty, he felt he had a lot more productive projects he could be doing. Then he says “I’ve been in a lot of different unions…..I’m going to start my own union...The….. “United Brotherhood of Winos Dingbats and Riffraff.” This sparked quite a bit of laughter, and he grabbed some paper and sketched out his logo, adding in the affiliated with A.F.U and I.O.U.


He had it copyrighted, and had a silkscreen made. We printed t-shirts by hand and sold them off a float he made for a parade.


Later he converted the float ( a trolly car ) into a hot dog stand and sold shirts out of it in the Barge Inn parking lot.  Then dad and his good friend Kent Dahlke entered into a license agreement to sell WDR shirts and other memorabilia from the Barge Inn for royalties.


Our Father was a unique, talented and gifted man! “Ingenious”. We feel we honor him and his legacy and are proud to be offering this intellectual property and art for us all to enjoy!


Thanks For Reading!


#1 Dingbat

(and the rest of the WDR family and friends)

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